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Fendos PR isn’t afraid to take on an interesting challenge
and over the years we’ve had the privilege of helping
many respectable companies to get their word out.
Here are just a few of the companies Fendos PR either currently works with or
has helped throughout the years that you might recognize:
- Mary Nohl Inside & Out Book
- Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon
- New Balance of Milwaukee
- Pabst Farms
- Price Engineering
- RateWatch
- Repairers of the Breach
- Rogers Memorial Hospital
- Rogers Foundation
- Rogers InHealth/WISE
- Smart Home Technologies
- Sprecher Brewery
- Soaky Mountain Waterpark
- Spot Filmworks
- Stan’s Fit For Your Feet
- Villani Landshapers
- Vionic by Stan’s Shoe Store
- Visit Milwaukee
- Ward’s House of Prime
- Wisconsin Athletic Club (WAC)
- The Women’s Fund of Milwaukee
Please feel free to browse some of Fendos PR’s noteworthy accomplishments.