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Tolterodine patient uk - Patient i am from uk. read about the other side of this drug and is the thing that i found weird. If you are in any way addicted your brain will turn on something to keep you from breaking your dependency but even after a while i could not sleep at all. My eyes were heavy, I looked like shit and was a crazy person with bad memory. I tried everything and every kind of medication that i could think of and really believe that i could not get a good night's sleep at all, this stuff gave me horrible nightmares also. I had trouble driving for weeks at a time the entire next year and a half. Now the problem is that i found out this drug also causes memory loss and i am not even sure if i can still remember what thought when i was a drunk. did notice that the drug made me forget things more easily. It made me forget that a person was looking at me in the supermarket, or that a person who i was in love with not paying me that much attention at my wedding (I got married 8 months ago as you where can i buy xanax in the uk can see). I started to experience memory loss in the past year as well. I was driving by an old friend and i could not really remember her but i could the route to bus stop (it was the first time i drove this route) and the address to hotel where can i buy cheap xanax i was staying at for an event. I think it is still too early to know the full extent of damages. All i can say is that after the 1st month i had to take the bus doctor because i was losing too many memories. After a month of this the memory loss got so bad that everytime i had to go the doctor i lost a bunch of memories so i had to go as often possible, i couldn't do anything else and i couldn't work. The bus made me sick a lot of the time so on bus you can imagine that i couldnt just take a rest for few hours. My memory loss kept getting worse and but this time i noticed that could almost remember my past but i couldn't really get it back. I hope that is just temporary and will pass i be back to my old self with normal memory once i stop my addiction. But still for now it is an illness i have to treat but is hard do because this drug changed my life in the worst possible way. Is it all over? Maybe not but i guess that my brain just is not used to this kind of drugs.. Karma Is The Devil - It's time for another update. About a 1 week ago i had a nightmare about this drug. I woke up in my bed next to the that i was supposed to be in next the drug dealer. I was just lying there, guess he was in my bed as well. He asked me to come over our apartment and to buy some coke. I went there and he took me to this room and i saw his drug cabinet. What a horror movie, horrible room, lighting. Just so awful. I felt bad, just sat there feeling sad. He put the coke in an ice cube tray. He then handed me the tray. I was really worried, so scared just looking at the ice cube tray. He showed me the ice and then he got so excited, said that it was going to melt and that it was coke he put here for me. I was so happy, took a couple of s.
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